Step 1.Visit your backend of the WordPress dashboard and go to the WooCommerce Tab.
Step 2. Click on “Settings,” and then you will want to click on the “Products” tab on the top of that next window.
Step 3.Click on the “Inventory” tab.
Step 4. The most important item here to change is the Hold Stock (minutes) “60” minute interval that is set default by WooCommerce if you enable Stock Management for your inventory. IF you are using Stock management, and have that item enabled, delete the “60” minutes value from the Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, the pending order will be canceled. Leave blank to disable value.
If you are not using Stock management, we recommend removing any value from this field just in case.
This will ensure that there is no timeout if PayPal tries to process the payment automatically and it reaches a timeout
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